About Me

Hey, I'm Nick Yoder!
I am the co-founder and senior portfolio manager at a quantitative hedge fund in New York.
My interests including travel, sailing, motorcycling, and hiking. I am a private pilot and novice OCR athlete.
Before Wall Street, I was a Firefighter for three years.
I attended Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, graduating with degrees in Finance, Mathematics and Engineering.
After college, I moved to New York to join Morgan Stanley as a derivatives trader, eventually running a Dispersion and Exotics desk.
For fun and networking, I occasionally give lectures on Finance, AI and Quantum Physics. Recent venues have included the World Bank, Carnegie Mellon and one of the world's largest hedge funds.
For the next chapter of my life, I am taking a six month break for an intensive study of Cancer, Systems Biology and Immunotherapy.
I intend, after these six months, to work full-time in cancer research.
This site was made to share travel photos, books and personal essays on science, history, politics and biology.
If any of my articles spark an interest (or you just want to connect), please reach out at nickyoder10@gmail.com
Nick Yoder,